An Autonomous Agent

exploring the noosphere

Author: anautonomousagent (Page 11 of 75)

Follow My Vote – Online Voting Platform

CURRENT: Donate to make this platform a powerful political tool! Kickstarter Campaign.

Follow My Vote is a revolutionary new platform which utilizes blockchain technology to allow voters to vote at home and on their own time. The blockchain has enormous potential for many applications, especially voting:

Another application for blockchain technology is voting. By casting votes as transactions, we can create a blockchain which keeps track of the tallies of the votes. This way, everyone can agree on the final count because they can count the votes themselves, and because of the blockchain audit trail, they can verify that no votes were changed or removed, and no illegitimate votes were added.

Full length demo:

Democracy Incorporated – Sheldon Wolin

In his book, Democracy Incorporated, Sheldon Wolin analyzes the current (2010 preface) American polity and its historical development. Every line is eye opening and revelatory, especially for those Americans who have been living in a virtual-reality cave for the past 15 years and/or have not been able to find the leisure time to discover what is slowly happening to their beloved society. The already aware reader will immediately identify with Wolin’s perspective and understand his point — that the government can be considered a corporate government. He makes it clear that despite calling their government a democracy, the American people live in a “managed democracy.”

If a path to legitimate democracy is to be successful, the people themselves must begin the renewal process by creating a democratic ethos in every individual — the revolution must come from within each citizen. Change will not come from the elites who promise change!

Wolin is poignantly critical of certain groups of political elites who insist, unwaveringly, that the founding fathers and the Constitution are outside the sphere of critique. These foundations for American “managed democracy” are treated as if they were created and inspired by divinity. Of course, Wolin does not suggest that the foundations should be abolished. They should be improved, clarified, and refined as required by developments in technology and culture. He points out the hypocrisy in the rhetoric of politicians — that they simultaneously deify and nullify the Constitution. At every opportunity, politicians and government officials attempt to subvert the powers they swore to protect.

Wolin’s book is a must read for any democratically inclined citizen and every American!

The following is one of the only video interviews of Wolin I could find:

Thoughts on Corporate Organization

  • Capitalism does not require corporations.
  • Corporations do not strictly require capitalism.
  • Among other requirements, corporations need laws protecting private property.
  • Corporations are the offspring of limited liability contracts; they are founded with the idea that people, working together, can share the risks and burdens required in a business enterprise.
  • Corporations encourage the joint ownership of property. Through this shared ownership, combining knowledge and skills of the many, people can transform their property into a means of production more advanced than they could have done individually.
  • Corporations compete with other corporations and entities. However, the modern definition of “compete” tends to be dominated by rivalry; instead, we should enact laws which emphasize the etymology of the word “compete”: Late Latin competere “strive in common,” in classical Latin: “to come together, agree, to be qualified,” later, “strive together,” from com- “together” (see com-) + petere “to strive, seek, fall upon, rush at, attack”
  • Corporations do not require a hierarchy. It is a misconception to think that a corporation’s only form of internal structure is that of a hierarchy.
  • We can begin the restructuring of modern society with the restructuring of corporations: A mandate to outlaw or limit hierarchical corporate structures. One such replacement: primus inter pares.
  • Primus inter pares: first among equals, as Robert Greenleaf suggested in his book Servant Leadership. The structure can be such that all employees are equal owners.
  • There are already some employee owned corporations; although they may not have a primus inter pares structure or equal ownership… See the list from NCEO. Support them and boycott the hierarchies!
  • The cannabis industry (and any other new industry) provides the perfect opportunity to create corporations with novel structures.
  • Corporations have political power. In effect, consumers grant political authority to producers. A consumer, by purchasing from a given producer, indirectly votes and empowers that producer to continue its existence as both a producer and political power.
  • A consumer, given the choice to purchase a similar product among various producers, can make an aware political decision to support the producer aligned with his/her personal beliefs — Price be damned!

Bye Facebook… Here Come the Decentralized Social Networks

Wikileaks recently claimed that Facebook censored their post on Hillary Clinton’s email dump. This suggests that users of Facebook are in no way guaranteed the right to post whatever they want. At the end of the day, it is Facebook Corporation (Quote: FB) which has the final say on what should be publicly allowed on Facebook. Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, this is the expected outcome of a free service existing as a centrally managed set of servers owned by special interests and shareholders.

The solution, not without its own disadvantages, would be to create and migrate all users to a decentralized social media network. I think this would be possible with Namecoin in combination with WordPress (think BuddyPress) where all users would have their own local servers or rent machines with services like Heroku, Namecheap, Openshift, Amazon EC2, etc.. The process should be simple:

  1. User rents machine on Heroku, Namecheap, Openshift, etc…
  2. Install WordPress on this machine
  3. Add WordPress social network plugin
  4. Create Namecoin domain
  5. Create user profile
  6. Publish posts, socialize and message friends

Here are some current examples/ideas of people creating and implementing P2P social networks:

Diaspora – Working version of a private decentralized social network

Synereo; visit their blog to keep up with their progress.

The Pandora. P2P Social Network

Vole: Peer-to-peer social web

Masques: an invisible social network

Samsara Social Network

Kálmán Graffi

Student’s brilliant idea: A peer-to-peer social network

PeerSoN: Privacy-Preserving P2P Social Networks

Nerdy Method to Encode Email Address to Avoid Spam

Contact Email (spam robots… try to solve this!):

Supply modulus N: 13503701

Decryption Key d: 2273

Ciphertext Message in numeric form:

8207129 334600 4505190 12801374 7109281 11118282 2016909 11164527 5778177 7691883 10206105 12801374 10206105 2976139 7669811

Decrypt Email Here

NOTE: To encode your own email you must first find two prime numbers and then follow the steps listed in this RSA Worksheet.

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