The information contained in Elizabeth Kolbert’s book, The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History, should concern all humans alive today. The facts presented have been known to the scientific community for a number of years. Its message is clear and important: the human species has been the chief cause of a massive extinction not seen since the dinosaurs perished. Biological diversity has been decreasing for a long time. She presents the facts in a clear and fascinating story; visiting numerous places around the globe and witnessing first hand the effects of “The New Pangea.” The Washington Post’s review of Kolbert’s book.
Author: anautonomousagent (Page 29 of 75)
Hulu has about 100 of these episodes. The Limits of Perception trilogy and Nature Technology trilogy are some great choices. The is also a great episode on Lapis Lazuli, Egyptians, and Afghanistan. Amazon Prime pleasantly surprised me with some offerings from ORF Universum:
The equisite details of cellular life are quite remarkable. Understanding how life continuously exists and reproduces in all parts of the world and the universe is beyond anything I could ever imagine. Nonetheless, I thoroughly enjoy spending time admiring the microscopic biology all around us; which is why I love David S. Goodsell’s book, The Machinery of Life. You can view many of the pictures here.
I was introduced to the works of Alan Watts by a meditation teacher about three years ago. Since then, I have been interested in mysticism, cognition, Buddhism, and scientism. Don’t ask me why, but these subjects just captivate me. I have been reading the works of various authors such as Douglas Hofstadter, Thich Nhat Hanh, Joseph Campbell, Stuart Kauffman, Francisco Varela, and Jiddu Krishnamurti; but what am I trying to learn; WHY?