An Autonomous Agent

exploring the noosphere

Author: anautonomousagent (Page 5 of 75)

IPFS Firefox Companion

If you know about the IPFS project and wondered how to get the address requests to work seamlessly within your browser, there is a Firefox Add-on called IPFS Companion. From the add-on’s description:

This add-on enables everyone to access (or any other public gateway) urls the way they were meant: from locally running IPFS daemon 🙂

To get things running, all you have to do is start your IPFS daemon and then start the add-on. By default both attach to Make sure they both are using the same address. And that’s all! Now every time you visit a site pointing to an IPFS gateway, for instance:, it will automatically send the request and receive the response via your IPFS daemon. Pretty awesome! I can’t thank the developers enough – Marcin Rataj and David Dias. You can try it with my own IPFS site: LPPL Market Watch

Free Software Foundation

Informative videos on free (Free as in Freedom) software and open source software. Richard Stallman is a great leader for software freedom and seems to be the source of the stereotype for computer programmer “looks”.

The difference between free and open-source software was not clear to me until after watching these videos and doing further research. See the Wikipedia article on the naming of GNU/Linux.

I personally encourage readers to consider switching to a GNU/Linux operating system or a distribution like Debian if they have not already. If you prefer having a hard copy of the OS or do not have the technical know-how to perform the image download-transfer-install process, is a great site to order many different distributions.

Also, be sure to become a supporter of GNU by joining the Free Software Foundation.

If you prefer to support individual programmers or projects, check out some of these on Patreon:




And come on… we need to severely lower the percentage of desktops running Windows.

A Glorious Accident – Wim Kayzer (1993)

A Glorious Accident is a set of interviews and discussions with Stephen J. Gould, Freeman Dyson, Stephen Toulmin, Oliver Sacks, Rupert Sheldrake, and Daniel Dennett. The final video is a round table with all of them answering questions about philosophy, evolution, life and the cosmos.

These videos are perfect for the curious and intellectual mind. Get comfortable, grab your popcorn and enjoy!

A Glorious Accident YouTube Playlist

3D Map of Local Stellar Neighborhood

Randomly ran across this really cool 3D map of the Local Stellar Neighborhood created with three.js.

The Great War for Civilisation – Robert Fisk

The Great War for Civilisation by Robert Fisk provides a comprehensive account of events in the Middle East in the 2nd half of the 20th century. The book, despite being 1000+ pages, is easily readable thanks to Fisk’s incredible stories of adventure, harrowing near death experiences, and interviews with interesting people. Fisk interviewed and reported on some of the areas most notorious figures such as Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Ayatollah Khomeini, among others. This is the book to read to have a proper introduction and realistic, albeit with a Western perspective, understanding of historical events in the Middle East.

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