An Autonomous Agent

exploring the noosphere

Author: anautonomousagent (Page 9 of 75)

The Quigley Formula – G. Edward Griffin Lecture

Oh!? you believe in conspiracy?… What are you, a conspiracy theorist of some kind? Well, I am certainly not a conspiracy ‘theorist’ … When people take that position I have to laugh… because I feel sorry for them, they obviously never read a history book. Because anyone who knows anything about history knows that it’s built on conspiracies — from one end to the other. Conspiracy is the engine of history! Every major event in history, when you examine it, has come to pass largely as a result of at least one, and in many cases many conspiracies. And it goes on today.

Politics and Vision – Sheldon Wolin

After watching Chris Hedges’ interview with Sheldon Wolin, I desired to read Wolin’s books. Democracy Incorporated provided a creative perspective with which to interpret recent American political and social events. Upon completion, I had an urge to continue extracting the political ideas of Wolin and I concluded that the best way to do this would be to jump into the deep end and open his book, Politics and Vision. Not only do I now have incredible respect for his ideas but I also feel that he has broadened my personal awareness of my place in society and history. There are criticisms I have toward the content (exclusively focused on “European/American”), but they are rather minimal in scope compared to the benefits any reader would gain by reading it thoroughly. I would say that Politics and Vision, as time progresses, will turn out to be one of the most important books I have ever read.

Chang’e 3 Lander Pictures

Great pictures of the Moon from Chinese lander:

Fun with a new data set: Chang’e 3 lander and Yutu rover camera data

The Myth of the “Clash of Civilizations” – Edward Said

But the work of Man is only just beginning, and it remains to conquer all the violence entrenched in the recesses of our passion… and no race possesses the monopoly of beauty, of intelligence, of force. And there is a place for all at the rendezvous of victory.

— Aime Cesaire


One of the new platforms promising to change the framework of the internet is IPFS. As an example, I have downloaded IPFSDroid and turned my cell phone into an IPFS node. You can see a test file hosted on my Android cell phone via the IPFS gateway server:

Alternatively, if you have IPFS on your computer, navigate to the WebUI and enter:


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