An Autonomous Agent

exploring the noosphere

Category: astronomy (Page 8 of 9)

Pale Blue Dot – Carl Sagan

Carl Sagan puts the Earth into perspective in his novel, Pale Blue Dot. We really do “…live on a mot of dust suspended in a sunbeam.” The vision of Sagan — that the human race now has the power to determine its own fate — should be taken with gravity. Rather than destroying themselves with their technology, humans should focus on protecting their offspring from the extreme events of the universe, i.e. asteroid impacts, solar ejections, and other such disasters. The book also explores other visions for the human race in space.

The novel provides insight into Sagan’s mind about the future of humanity and should be read by all those interested in humanity’s future life away from Earth. (ISBN-13: 978-0345376596)

Foundation – Isaac Asimov

The Foundation novel begins the epic series of novels by Isaac Asimov called The Foundation Series. These novels are a thrilling science-fiction journey through time and space.  Taking place over thousands of years and multiple locations throughout the Milky Way Galaxy, these novels take the reader on a mind bending journey. I recommend this series for any fan of science-fiction and I look forward to watching any movies based on them. (ISBN-13: 978-0553382570)

Into the Universe with Steven Hawking

Into the Universe with Steven Hawking provides a fascinating look at the provoking ideas of Steven Hawking. From aliens to time travel, it’s worth a view. Watch it on Netflix or Discovery.


Cosmos (series) – Carl Sagan

A great summary of the human endeavor: Cosmos.  Carl Sagan does a wonderful job outlining the history of the universe. After watching the series, a viewer will have gained a deep insight into everything. This series would be a perfect choice for high-school students; I am surprised I only heard of it recently.  It’s a must see for everyone.

Watch on YouTube or Hulu.

Infinity Imagined

Possibly my favorite website: Infinity Imagined.  The pictures and themes posted are incredibly beautiful and insightful. Pictures range from the entire universe to the inside of an atom; from animal cells to river deltas; fractals; physics  biology, and chemistry – all portrayed in images.

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