An Autonomous Agent

exploring the noosphere

Category: biology (Page 17 of 18)

Hearos High Fidelity Ear Plugs

Caring about your ears should be the priority of anyone who loves music. To be able to hear the beauty of the universe, for me, provides peace, harmony, and meaning. Any time one goes to a concert, or even a bar which blasts music, he/she should protect their ears with these ear plugs.

Aquatic Ape Hypothesis – Elaine Morgan

Elaine Morgan suggests that humans evolved from an ape ancestor who lived in an aquatic environment. This explains the recession of hair on the skin, bipedal motion, large brain development, and other unique features.   Check out Morgan’s TED talk here. Its interesting but there is little support in the academic community.

The Natural Mind: An Investigation of Drugs and the Higher Consciousness – Andrew Weil, M.D.

In America there exists a large population of people who lack an adequate education on drugs.  The evidence for this conclusion lies in the government’s miss-classification of various drugs, people’s acceptance of prescription drugs, and the fact that the public education system actually spreads drug ignorance. For an introduction to the whole issue I would recommend reading Dr. Andrew Weil’s book, The Natural Mind: An Investigation of Drugs and the Higher Consciousness.

Origins of Order – Stuart Kauffman

Origins of Order, by Stuart Kauffman, provides a new look at evolution through natural selection. Instead of holding that the main creator of order is genetic drift with Natural Selection, Kauffman explores the idea that order can spontaneously form under various conditions in the natural world. Kauffman also emphasizes the importance of co-evolution among organisms in creating complex evolutionary systems. All of these ideas are explored through the mathematical tool of fitness landscapes.

The book, although long and dense, provides deep insights into the nature of life and evolution. The concepts  presented involve mathematics, computer science, chemistry, and biology. I would recommend this book if the reader likes these topics and has enough time (or is fast reader). (ISBN-13: 978-0195079517)

The Conservation Report

While searching for various pictures on Google, I came across an interesting blog called The Conservation Report.  Browsing some of the posts, I was immediately hooked. I have not read many of the posts, but in time I will.

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