An Autonomous Agent

exploring the noosphere

Category: computer (Page 7 of 8)

The Information: A History, A Theory, A Flood – James Gleick

I picked up the book The Information: A History, A Theory, A Flood, by James Gleick, knowing nothing about Information Theory.  After reading this wonderful account on the history of the subject and its historical figures, I highly recommend this to anyone wishing to become acquainted with this field of thought. 

Origins of Order – Stuart Kauffman

Origins of Order, by Stuart Kauffman, provides a new look at evolution through natural selection. Instead of holding that the main creator of order is genetic drift with Natural Selection, Kauffman explores the idea that order can spontaneously form under various conditions in the natural world. Kauffman also emphasizes the importance of co-evolution among organisms in creating complex evolutionary systems. All of these ideas are explored through the mathematical tool of fitness landscapes.

The book, although long and dense, provides deep insights into the nature of life and evolution. The concepts  presented involve mathematics, computer science, chemistry, and biology. I would recommend this book if the reader likes these topics and has enough time (or is fast reader). (ISBN-13: 978-0195079517)

The Emergent Fool

After searching for images of Adjacent Possible, I ran across a blog called The Emergent Fool.  The author has a post on the Adjacent Possible with an interesting picture:

The blog also contains many articles on economics and emergence. Topics I love. I will have to take some time to read through this blog.

Investigations – Stuart Kauffman

Investigations seems to be a further expansion of the ideas presented in Kauffman’s book Origins of Order (see other post). As a note, I found that both are very dense and hard to read. However, the concepts presented within are worth the effort. The book provides a novel approach at explaining the origins of life. I found the most fascinating concepts in the novel to be the Adjacent Possible and the idea of Autonomous Agents.

An Autonomous Agent is simply a system which reproduces itself and carries out a work cycle.

The idea of an Adjacent Possible shines light on the idea of entropy in the universe. Investigations contains an entire section talking about Maxwell’s Demon and the nonergodicity (see ergodic hypothesis) of the universe. Briefly, the Adjacent Possible is the set of all “next” states of the universe. To give an example, consider the early universe. Consisting almost entirely of Hydrogen and Helium, we would say that the universe was in a “Actual State” of Hydrogen and Helium. The Adjacent Possible of chemicals would be the empty set — that is, no chemical states can be “formed” from Hydrogen and Helium (gravity has yet to create stars).  Then, once stars began to form, the Adjacent Possible began to include more states; elements like Carbon and Oxygen are the “next” states in the interior of stars under the right temperature and pressures.  Fast forward billions of years and human organisms are creating “next” states in the chemical Adjacent Possible (assuming alien civilizations have not already created these states). For example, humans have created nylon, plastic, Teflon, and various other molecular states.  These states would have been considered elements of the Adjacent Possible in the early 20th century; now, they are elements of the “Actual State” of the universe.

Thus, the universe can be considered nonergodic. It has yet to explore, and most likely will not explore, a large portion of the possible states of the universe.

Kauffman also talks about economics. He explains that modern economic theories fail to predict and account for the persistent innovation of human “goods” into the Adjacent Possible of “goods.”

I would highly recommend Investigations. It really is a must read! (ISBN-13: 978-0195121056)

Mini ITX Gaming PC

This YouTube video by bimmerman18 inspired me to build a PC. I built my PC with all the parts listed minus a few changes. Instead of the GTX 590, I bought the GTX 580. For a hard drive I bought an SSD. The PC boots up instantly and runs smoothly without problems on Windows 7.  I can play one of my favorite games, Team Fortress 2, with all the video settings maxed out while having no noticeable decrease in frame rate.  At 100% the CPU and motherboard temperatures never exceed 150 degrees F, while the GTX 580 never exceeds 185 degrees F (about 85 degrees C). Overall it’s a nice PC. However, next time I am going to buy a normal sized motherboard with a large case so that I can have more PCI and hard drive slots.

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