An Autonomous Agent

exploring the noosphere

Category: computer (Page 8 of 8)


When I had a Windows 95 PC back in the late 1990’s I would run the SETI@HOME program. As most people know this is a way to help search for ET. I can not remember exactly but I believe it took at least a day of continuous processing on my IBM Pentium MMX 166 MHz processor to complete one work unit.
About a year ago I rediscovered my childhood urge to find ET and decided to run SETI once more. I discovered that SETI now runs through a program call BOINC. More information on BOINC here.

BOINC, as I understand it, has enormous potential; especially with CUDA. I bought the CUDA enabled GTX 580 to create a monster gaming rig (See post on my gaming computer). When I run SETI, the GTX 580 completes the task in about 7 minutes. Just incredible. My Core 2 Duo laptop took 7 hours.

On BOINC I am apart of the following applications: SETI, GPU Grid, PrimeGrid, MilkyWay@Home, Einstein@HOME, and others.


Godel, Escher, Bach – Douglas Hofstadter

In early November I ran across a book called Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas Hofstadter.  I began reading that book recently. Every page seems to be a remarkable insight into the universe. Highly recommended as one of the best books I have ever opened. Check out the following music by Bach: Musical OfferingNever-ending CanonDie Kunst Der Fuge (The Art of Fugue), and Kleines harmonisches labyrinth (Little Harmonic Labyrinth). To complement the book, I purchased the The Art of Fugue by Bach and Tatiana Nikolayeva. The book explains the concept of Godel’s Incompleteness Theorems and their relationship to cognition. (ISBN-13: 978-0465026562)
Also, check out the work of M.C. Escher: Gallery
My Favorites:

Convex and Concave
The Waterfall

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