An Autonomous Agent

exploring the noosphere

Category: education (Page 6 of 9)

Australia’s First 4 Billion Years – NOVA

This series focuses on the geographic and biological evolution of the Australian continent since the formation of the Earth. Dr. Richard Smith narrates the entire series, starting with the formation the first lifeforms on Earth, up until the modern time. Good series and worth a watch.

Watch it on PBS here.
Watch it on YouTube here.

Cambridge Nights

Cambridge Nights, the name of a Vimeo channel, interviews professors and scientists working in Boston. Just to name a few: Steven Pinker, Woodie FlowersNicholas Christakis, Geoffrey West, and Albert-László Barabási.

Geoffrey West Videos

I’ll be attending a talk by Geoffrey West soon. Many of his ideas are great additions to the work of Stuart Kauffman, Ricard Sole, and others at the Santa Fe Institute.

List of talks and lectures by Geoffrey West:

On Metabolism and Scaling Laws

Geoffrey West: The surprising math of cities and corporations

Geoffrey West On Complexity

Scaling Laws In Biology And Other Complex Systems

Urban Friction

YouTube Playlist

Home (2009)

I enjoy watching documentaries about Earth. Yesterday I watched Home (2009), directed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand. This film contains many nice panoramic visuals of locations around the globe. As you are watching these scenes the narrator takes you through the story of life and evolution.

Watch Home here on YouTube.

Earth From Space – NOVA

Well done NOVA. Earth From Space, a NOVA documentary detailing the information revealed about Earth through satellites, is a must see. The visual images of the atmospheric processes and natural phenomenon are the best I have seen and really show the inter-connectedness of the environmental processes on Earth. Follow this link to watch it on YouTube.
Download the HD version here or buy it here.

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