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exploring the noosphere

Category: physics (Page 9 of 12)

YouTube Channel – ScienceTV and Best0fScience

I came across these two YouTube channels — ScienceTV and Best0fScience. They contain cool visualizations of many topics in astronomy, physics, chemisty, evolution and biology.

Sloan Digital Sky Map – The Universe

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Sky Map provides a remarkable visual exploration of only 400,000 galaxies. Yes, only 400,000 out of billions. This video, made in the visible spectrum, could possibly be the most amazing sequence of images a human has ever seen. Warning! This video’s grand scale may cause you to experience vertigo.

Melanie Mitchell – Exploring Complexity

Exploring Complexity is a good blog on the science of complexity by Melanie Mitchell.

The Biggest Bangs: The Mystery of Gamma-ray Bursts, the Most Violent Explosions in the Universe – Jonathon Katz

The Biggest Bangs: The Mystery of Gamma-ray Bursts, the Most Violent Explosions in the Universe by Jonathan Katz is a decent book on gamma-ray bursts and their history.  I would recommend this book as an introduction to these transient phenomena.

The Restless Universe: Understanding X-Ray Astronomy in the Age of Chandra and Newton – Eric Schlegel


Chandra X-Ray observatory, named after Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, has provided scientists with the best x-ray images ever taken of the universe. To explore the satellite’s mission and its discoveries, I would recommend reading The Restless Universe: Understanding X-Ray Astronomy in the Age of Chandra and Newton by Eric Schlegel.

NGC 922 – X-Ray
NGC 922 – Optical
NGC 922 – X-Ray and Optical

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