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exploring the noosphere

Category: science (Page 18 of 24)

The Restless Universe: Understanding X-Ray Astronomy in the Age of Chandra and Newton – Eric Schlegel


Chandra X-Ray observatory, named after Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, has provided scientists with the best x-ray images ever taken of the universe. To explore the satellite’s mission and its discoveries, I would recommend reading The Restless Universe: Understanding X-Ray Astronomy in the Age of Chandra and Newton by Eric Schlegel.

NGC 922 – X-Ray
NGC 922 – Optical
NGC 922 – X-Ray and Optical

The Diversity of Life – Edward O. Wilson

Edward O. Wilson does a great job exploring the wonderful diversity on Earth in his book The Diversity of Life. If Earth’s biosphere is to continue supporting the conditions for life, then diversity must be conserved and protected. Diversity provides the necessary adaptive power to withstand natural disasters. Wilson writes many great books and this is one of them.

Moon Hunters: NASA’s Remarkable Expeditions to the Ends of the Solar System – Jeffrey Kluger

Anyone interested in a first hand account of NASA‘s robotic missions to the moons of Jupiter and Saturn will find Moon Hunters: NASA’s Remarkable Expeditions to the Ends of the Solar System by Jeffrey Kluger to be a great read. Various moons, like Europa and Titan, may harbor forms of life and the only way to find out is to explore them. The book narrates the discoveries of various probes, such as Ranger, Voyager, and Galileo.

Audiophile Headphones

Wishing for a high quality music environment, I did some research into audiophile headphones. I learned that there does not exist a “best” pair of headphones. Rather, there are various headphones which are great for their reproduction of various parts of the audio spectrum. For example, the ones that I bought, the Sennheiser HD 598s are known to be good (considering their price) for listening to the higher side of the spectrum; i.e., vocals and other high frequency sounds. I must say that I love my Sennheiser HD 598s. Sennheiser produces a couple of other highly rated headphones, including the HD 650 and HD 800. Here are some other headphones which have good reviews:  Beyerdynamic DT 770, AKG K702, Grado SR60, Grado RS1, and the ATH M50. Also, to get the best sound out of the headphones, one should buy an amplifier.

Miss Leavitt’s Stars: The Untold Story of the Woman Who Discovered How to Measure the Universe

It’s a rare conversation that mentions the importance of women in the history of math and science. I am not too sure why, as there have been many important women in the history of math and science. To prove this, just check out Hypatia, Emmy Noether, and Henrietta Swan Leavitt. Leavitt made the discovery that Cepheid variable stars are the key in finding the distance to galaxies. To be more direct, she found out how to measure the universe. Anyone interested in this story should read George Johnson’s book, Miss Leavitt’s Stars: The Untold Story of the Woman Who Discovered How to Measure the Universe.

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