An Autonomous Agent

exploring the noosphere

Category: science (Page 6 of 24)

The Machinery of Life – David S. Goodsell

The equisite details of cellular life are quite remarkable. Understanding how life continuously exists and reproduces in all parts of the world and the universe is beyond anything I could ever imagine. Nonetheless, I thoroughly enjoy spending time admiring the microscopic biology all around us; which is why I love David S. Goodsell’s book, The Machinery of Life. You can view many of the pictures here.


Tales of Wonder: Adventures Chasing the Divine – Huston Smith

I was introduced to the works of Alan Watts by a meditation teacher about three years ago. Since then, I have been interested in mysticism, cognition, Buddhism, and scientism. Don’t ask me why, but these subjects just captivate me. I have been reading the works of various authors such as Douglas Hofstadter, Thich Nhat Hanh, Joseph Campbell, Stuart Kauffman, Francisco Varela, and Jiddu Krishnamurti; but what am I trying to learn; WHY?

Probably, this question will never be answered, but being only 23, I have barely began to experience the reality these authors seek to understand. I can live this reality and hopefully discover something worth telling others. Anyway, besides reading, Yoga and meditation have been my most direct experiences with the spiritual nature of the mind and universe. And just a few days ago I watched a video with Huston Smith. He makes me want to travel the world and experience other cultures. I have started reading his autobiography, Tales of Wonder: Adventures Chasing the Divine. Smith appears to be a fascinating individual and I think that I have much to learn from him. Perhaps you have read Smith? If not, I highly suggest that you do.

“THE CHAOTIC UNIVERSE” – Ilya Prigogine, John Cage, Huston Smith

Art Meets Science & Spirituality in a Changing Economy – “THE CHAOTIC UNIVERSE” – Ilya Prigogine, John Cage, Huston Smith

Old, but good!

Azimuth Project Blog

Many interesting posts about math, physics, and science! About the Azimuth Project.

The Rarest Things in the Universe (about money and Bitcoin)

NOVA – Alien Planets Revealed; Journey of the Universe (2011)

I have listed a few of the better movies/shows which I have watched in the past month.

Nova – Alien Planets Revealed – Documentary about the discoveries of the Kepler Planet Hunter Telescope

Journey of the Universe (2011) – Grand overview and insights into all of science. Quote from synopsis:

Using his skills as a masterful storyteller, Swimme connects such big picture issues as the birth of the cosmos 14 billion years ago to the invisible frontiers of the human genome as well as to our current impact on Earths evolutionary dynamics. Through his engaging and thoughtful observations audiences everywhere will discover the profound role we play in this intricate web of life.

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