An Autonomous Agent

exploring the noosphere

Category: science (Page 7 of 24)

Beautiful 3D Brain Scans

Fascinating video showing scientists mapping the brain’s neurons in 3D.

Our Mathematical Universe – Max Tegmark

Max Tegmark’s book, Our Mathematical Universe, takes a deep look at the physical world and shows readers the importance of math throughout the universe. An interesting book regardless of your own personal beliefs.

Socionomics: The Science of History and Social Prediction – Robert R. Prechter, Jr.

I posted before about the Elliott Wave Principle and several books dealing with the subject. However, I feel the need to reiterate the importance of two books by Robert R. Prechter, Jr. They are: The Wave Principle of Human Social Behavior and Pioneering Studies in Socionomics. I purchased both these books in a two volume collection called, Socionomics: The Science of History and Social Prediction. In all my studies as an undergraduate and graduate student in the field of finance and mathematics, not one professor has ever mentioned Prechter or Elliott.

Atomic Awakening: A New Look at the History and Future of Nuclear Power – James Mahaffey

Probably one of the best books I have read in a long time, Atomic Awakening: A New Look at the History and Future of Nuclear Power by James Mahaffey takes the reader on a grand journey. Covering in great detail almost every single development leading to the nuclear reactor, any intellectual will find this book to be a great pleasure to read.

Chaotic Maps and Feigenbaum Constants

Randomly came across this insightful image on the internet. It shows the importance of the Feigenbaum constants:

Going to wikipedia’s page: List of chaotic maps, one can find some really neat mathematical transformations. Arnold’s cat map seems like it would have some neat practical uses.

Gingerbread Man Map
Exponential Map
Chirikov–Taylor map

Circle map with Poincare recurrence
Arnold’s Cat Map

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