An Autonomous Agent

exploring the noosphere

Category: universe (Page 8 of 12)

Inherited Consciousness?

After reading Edward O. Wilson‘s On Human Nature, several opinions and ideas formed; I think the spiritual and universal awareness/wisdom of humans follows a distribution function (perhaps Gaussian). In other words all humans are not born with the same potential to be aware of deeper concepts and principles. Some individuals are not able to comprehend universal ideas and principles of life; while others are deeply in tune with the essence of the universe. This awareness would seem to be genetic. I say that because there have been people in all cultures throughout history who have possessed such spiritual and universal wisdom. Also, no amount of cultural teaching will allow one to obtain such wisdom. We are simply born with a high potential or low potential and this expresses itself naturally.

Thus, there is not an object equally inherited by all humans which we could call a “soul” or consciousness. Individual humans are conscious or aware of the universe in varying degrees. This is related to the origin of consciousness. Was there an Adam, i.e. a first human who was conscious? Have organisms always been conscious to a certain degree, depending on various factors? Could we consider the universe itself conscious? Interesting ideas. I would suggest reading Douglas Hofstadter‘s book about strange loops and other books on consciousness here.

Wonders of the Universe (2011) – Brian Cox

One of the better documentaries about the universe that I have seen in recent years, Brian Cox’s Wonders of the Universe is worth a watch.

A Computer Scientist’s View of Life, the Universe, and Everything (1997) – Jürgen Schmidhuber

A great paper by Jürgen Schmidhuber can be downloaded here. It’s called A Computer Scientist’s View of Life, the Universe, and Everything. The paper talks about computable universes. Schmidhuber has produced some really interesting work on neural economies and artificial intelligence. Check out his website.

Rechnender Raum (Calculating Space) – Konrad Zuse

Konrad Zuse’s Rechnender Raum (Calculating Space) is a book which proposes the idea that the universe is computed by cellular automaton. Thanks to MIT and Zuse’s family, the book can be downloaded as a pdf.

Sloan Digital Sky Map – The Universe

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Sky Map provides a remarkable visual exploration of only 400,000 galaxies. Yes, only 400,000 out of billions. This video, made in the visible spectrum, could possibly be the most amazing sequence of images a human has ever seen. Warning! This video’s grand scale may cause you to experience vertigo.

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