An Autonomous Agent

exploring the noosphere

Category: video (Page 7 of 24)

Nice Interview with David Bohm

About to start reading Bohm’s Wholeness and the Implicate Order. His ideas are appealing to my own experiences and I hope to learn a great deal from his book. Pretty good interview with David Bohm:

Sir Karl Popper Excerpt and Interview

Good excerpt from Karl Popper’s “Conjectures and Refutations.”

Thought provoking interview with Karl Popper (unfortunately the audio is not too good).

Thorium – Kirk Sorenson

Kirk Sorenson does an excellent job describing the current state of the American nuclear energy program and its future. He sees hope from the current enthusiasm of the Chinese, who are developing extensive nuclear reactor technology. Perhaps their focus will encourage the rest of the world. The nuclear energy field has been plagued by misconceptions for decades. There is a definite need for someone to stand up and cut through all the ignorance surrounding this important subject.

There are probably hundreds of new reactor designs. Kirk’s favourite is the Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor (LFTR). He talks extensively about its benefits, its problems, its safety, and how it can be put into operation. Hopefully, people will see his arguments as valid and convincing. Read more on his blog: Energy from Thorium. Gordon McDowell’s videos present the ideas of Sorenson in a clear and concise manner and there are numerous lectures and talks given by Sorenson on YouTube.

I would also recommend James Mahaffey’s book, Atomic Awakening.

Kumbh Mela

Depending on your country of birth or religion, you may be surprised to know that, up until last week, I had never heard of one of the largest and oldest religious ceremonies in human history – the Kumbh Mela. After watching the films below, I am determined to attend the Kumbh Mela as part of my own spiritual pilgrimage. If you watch and listen to the teachings, ceremonies, and philosophies of the Yogis and Sadhus you may begin to see a deeper connection between all religions.

Kings with Straw Mats – Ira Cohen

Shortcut to Nirvana – Mela Films (also on Hulu – Shortcut to Nirvana)

Zeitgeist Trilogy

These important films by Peter Joseph speak for themselves. I really did not have a clue what they were about until I started to read about Jacques Fresco and The Venus Project. I think the ideas presented in the Zeitgeist films represent a phase transition in modern society which will come to fruition this century. And whenever there is such a split/conflict concerning the removal and reshaping of a society’s establishment structures, we must ensure that it is done without violence. It doesn’t matter whether the Zeitgeist movement is right or wrong about society’s problems; what matters is that it strikes a common chord in the population and brings people together under a common ideology. History repeats itself and this time is not different. The established power structures control the means of production and have enormous political power; they will not simply handover this power…

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