An Autonomous Agent

exploring the noosphere

Category: youtube (Page 11 of 25)

John Pilger Videos

John Pilger reveals the inconsistencies in the actions taken by modern governments to assert their agenda. His documentaries are informative and help to raise awareness of various moral and ethical issues not normally covered by the typical news organization.

He has made numerous documentaries, here are a few:

War By Other Means (1992)
The New Rulers of the World (2001)
Palestine is Still the Issue (2002) 
Stealing a Nation (2004)
The War On Democracy (2007) 
The War you Don’t See (2010)

The Power of Scientific Visualization

“A picture is worth a thousand words”, a cliché, but true. A semester or even a textbook can be condensed into a beautiful visualization thanks to modern graphics. This is why I find the work of Drew Berry, XVIVO, and David Goodsell so powerful. Seeing DNA replication and intracellular transportation makes me speechless. Many of these are created with Maya or Molecular Maya. I really want to explore Maya to visualize financial networks and data after watching these…

Secret Universe: Journey Inside the Cell (2012)

With computer graphics we can now see an invisible world, the result of billions of years of evolutionary interaction. This vast expanse of time created the truly magnificent complexity of life. Secret Universe: Journey Inside the Cell provides a remarkable graphic visualization of this complexity. The processes of cellular function are slowed down and magnified so that viewers can see and understand the continuous activity occurring within their own bodies. It is simply stunning to realize what is happening in the microscopic world of the cell.

Also called: Secret Universe The Hidden Life of a Cell
Watch it: Hulu, Dailymotion, YouTube

Think of the Earth as a human cell; the human body would stretch the length of Jupiter’s orbit around the Sun.

Approximate Diameter of Earth: 12,742 km

Average Diameter of Jupiter Orbit: 1,557,094,400 km (122,201.7 times Earth’s Diameter)

Approximate Diameter of Human Cell: 15 micrometers

Average Height of Human: 1.8 meters (120,000.0 times the Diameter of Human Cell)

“THE CHAOTIC UNIVERSE” – Ilya Prigogine, John Cage, Huston Smith

Art Meets Science & Spirituality in a Changing Economy – “THE CHAOTIC UNIVERSE” – Ilya Prigogine, John Cage, Huston Smith

Old, but good!

David Harvey

David Harvey has an amazing awareness of society. Listening to him discuss his perspective and ideas about cities, money, and capitalism brings with it the joy of great insight into the behaviors and relations of human activities which the intellectual listener will enjoy. I will have to eventually pick up a few of his books. For now, I will watch his lectures:

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