An Autonomous Agent

exploring the noosphere

Category: youtube (Page 6 of 25)

Democracy Incorporated – Sheldon Wolin

In his book, Democracy Incorporated, Sheldon Wolin analyzes the current (2010 preface) American polity and its historical development. Every line is eye opening and revelatory, especially for those Americans who have been living in a virtual-reality cave for the past 15 years and/or have not been able to find the leisure time to discover what is slowly happening to their beloved society. The already aware reader will immediately identify with Wolin’s perspective and understand his point — that the government can be considered a corporate government. He makes it clear that despite calling their government a democracy, the American people live in a “managed democracy.”

If a path to legitimate democracy is to be successful, the people themselves must begin the renewal process by creating a democratic ethos in every individual — the revolution must come from within each citizen. Change will not come from the elites who promise change!

Wolin is poignantly critical of certain groups of political elites who insist, unwaveringly, that the founding fathers and the Constitution are outside the sphere of critique. These foundations for American “managed democracy” are treated as if they were created and inspired by divinity. Of course, Wolin does not suggest that the foundations should be abolished. They should be improved, clarified, and refined as required by developments in technology and culture. He points out the hypocrisy in the rhetoric of politicians — that they simultaneously deify and nullify the Constitution. At every opportunity, politicians and government officials attempt to subvert the powers they swore to protect.

Wolin’s book is a must read for any democratically inclined citizen and every American!

The following is one of the only video interviews of Wolin I could find:

Auroville – City of the Dawn

These videos provide a fascinating look at the history and ongoing development of Auroville (City of the Dawn). Founded by Mirra Alfassa as a project of the Sri Aurobindo Society, it provides an example of a community designed to inspire unity and lead the way forward for humanity.

City of the Dawn is a summary of the city’s foundation and history since the late 1960’s and early 1970’s:

Auroville Towards a Sustainable Future shows the incredible ecological work required to repair and grow the land needed to sustain the city:

Dirty Pictures (2010) – Alexander and Ann Shulgin Documentary

Excellent documentary about Alexander “Sasha” Shulgin and his work!

The End of America – Naomi Wolf

The imaginary duality of right or left; conservative or liberal; divides the country, providing a distraction while our rights and liberties are quietly subverted. Take the time to hear what Naomi Wolf has to say and you can form your own conclusions. Reminder to scientists: In an oligarchy and/or totalitarian regime, even the scientific method and academic institutions become subjugated to power. Science, in a closed society is worthless except as a tool used by those in power to maintain their power.

The End of America – 2008 Original

The End of America – 2014 Update

Empire Files – Abby Martin

The growth of a society into an Empire; how does this occur? is it desirable? if not, how can it be avoided? is it possible to create a set of cultural institutions which makes the probability of this transformation near zero?The study of this transformation is vital for future generations.

Abby Martin has created a series of episodes on YouTube called Empire Files which investigates the American Empire. Perhaps with more study we can answer important questions about this emergent cultural phenomenon which is bigger than any one person.

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