An Autonomous Agent

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Realms of the Human Unconscious: Observations from LSD Research – Dr. Stanislav Grof

Dr. Stanislav Grof’s book Realms of the Human Unconscious: Observations from LSD Research surpassed any expectations I had when I purchased it. It truly takes the reader on a trip into the most remote depths of the human psyche. Grof’s model of the unconscious, based on more than 30 years of experience, provides incredible insight into a realm beyond anything you thought you knew. The model involves what Grof calls “Systems of Condensed Experience” (COEX Systems). In addition to these experiences,  patients typically encounter experiences classified by Grof as either perinatal or transpersonal. I suggest reading the book to learn more about this topic and the models.

In a suitable analogy, Grof declares LSD to be psychiatry’s fundamental tool; it is like the astronomer’s telescope or the biologist’s microscope.  Grof refers to the powerful ability of LSD to facilitate the revealing of deep unconscious systems like that of sonar or radar, revealing the largest and most relevant emotional disturbances beneath the surface of the unconscious ocean. It allows therapists to have a direct reading of a patient’s relevant thought systems and important experiences. Readers begin to realize how incredibly important this molecule is for the well-being of the psyche and the spiritual and mental development of humanity.

For a simple introduction, I would suggest The Holotropic Mind rather than this book. Or if you prefer an audio book, Audible has The Transpersonal Vision. I would also recommend joining the email list for the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS).

The Molecular Basis of Life

DNA and its molecular dynamics visualized (posted by author of Infinity Imagined):

The Holographic Universe – Michael Talbot

After watching an interview with Michael Talbot on YouTube, I was eager to read his book, The Holographic Universe. Despite being published in 1991, the book contains a wide range of references and resources perfect for any reader in 2016 interested in the boundary between science and the paranormal. I recommend this book, not because it provides profound new insight, but because of the huge number of paranormal examples (if legitimate) and historical occurrences with which any reader may have a difficult time fitting into their framework of reality. Of course, it is unwise to accept anything you read as truth; however, the source material is listed and the reader can stroll down any path he/she wishes in their own personal investigation of these topics. My own path is now taking me into the work of Dr. Stanislav Grof,  Rick Strassman, etc… and topics such as LSD, DMT, NDEs and OBEs.

Magicians of the Gods – Graham Hancock

In Magicians of the Gods, Graham Hancock presents the hypothesis that a civilization existed and prospered sometime either before or during the Younger Dryas. Whoever these people were, their society was wiped out due to the cataclysm of The Flood. The same flood mentioned by almost every historical culture on every continent. This comet struck the polar ice cap in the northern hemisphere; the resulting impact vaporized an enormous amount of water, leading to flooding and climate disruption. It was either this initial impact or perhaps related events which caused massive worldwide displacement in the ocean’s sea levels. The reason we have little archaeological evidence, as Hancock suggests, is due to the rise in sea level which totally submerged all structures. Additionally, there have been few thorough searches in likely locations due to the disbelief of modern institutions. Hancock proposes that a likely location would be the Indonesian subcontinent, which around the Younger Dryas time was vastly larger and contained numerous river basins and plains.

It is fascinating to learn that the debris stream of this comet could be the source of the Taurid meteor stream. There is even evidence that a bigger chunk of the comet lurks in this Earth crossing debris field.

The entire book is littered with footnotes and source references. Hancock did a lot of research and it shows. Like all human theories, I am sure some parts of it will be dis-proven while other parts shown to be entirely correct. As researchers continue to investigate underwater ruins and the mysterious underwater past of Indonesia becomes unraveled, we may indeed find evidence which requires a total renewal of our understanding of human history.

Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge – Jeremy Narby

I learned of Jeremy Narby’s book Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge while reading Graham Hancock’s book, Supernatural. The ideas present within both books are incredible. DNA may be an extra-terrestrial biotechnology. Of course, you don’t have to read these books to come to that conclusion. Narby further suggests that DNA actually has a mysterious way to communicate with the conscious awareness of all life, especially after the consumption of various consciousness altering molecules. It is through this alteration of the brain that life is able to receive a mysterious informational signal from DNA. Even if his hypothesis turns out to be false, the sheer intellectual creativity of Narby’s work deserves praise. As wild as that sounds, it really would not be surprising given the complexity and probability arguments presented by the panspermia supporters (Francis Crick for instance and also see: The “Wow! signal” of the terrestrial genetic code.

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