An Autonomous Agent

exploring the noosphere

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3D Printing and Geopolymers

It is exciting to learn about the potential of geopolymers as an important construction material to be used in 3D printers. If the perfect geopolymer mixture, designed for 3D printing on an industrial scale, structures of any shape and design can be easily produced. And these structures will have extreme durability, efficiency, low cost, and load bearing strength. Perhaps we will construct modern day pyramids out of such a technology.

Jacques Fresco

Jacques Fresco

The still standing ancient structures at Giza, the Great Pyramids, are a standing testament to the durability and strength of geopolymer material designed to perfection.  It is incredible that a technology developed by ancient humans (Egyptians and possibly Mesopotamians) will be the future of modern construction design. It really shows you the important of sharing and preserving information.



Zeitgeist Trilogy

These important films by Peter Joseph speak for themselves. I really did not have a clue what they were about until I started to read about Jacques Fresco and The Venus Project. I think the ideas presented in the Zeitgeist films represent a phase transition in modern society which will come to fruition this century. And whenever there is such a split/conflict concerning the removal and reshaping of a society’s establishment structures, we must ensure that it is done without violence. It doesn’t matter whether the Zeitgeist movement is right or wrong about society’s problems; what matters is that it strikes a common chord in the population and brings people together under a common ideology. History repeats itself and this time is not different. The established power structures control the means of production and have enormous political power; they will not simply handover this power…

The Venus Project – Jacque Fresco

First, if you have never seen documentaries or talks about Jacque Fresco, you should definitely do so now. He is quite a visionary. I can’t believe he was 58 years old in 1974 when he was on Larry King. And now nearly 100 years old. What an extraordinary life!

Future By Design

Paradise or Oblivion

An insightful speech from Mr. Jacque Fresco has caused me to wonder about our society and its future. I think he identifies the issues, but I can we fix them?

With regards to a resource based economy, I think we should be careful with how much we change and how quickly. We don’t want to “throw out the baby with the bath water” as the saying goes. In other words, there are numerous highly productive structures which exist today, along with detrimental ones. There is much we can do to restructure various institutions to achieve many of the goals listed in the Venus Project. For example, there is nothing that requires corporations and governments to be hierarchically organized. That form of structure existed before I was born and even before my father. Why do we still follow it? I once read a book, suggested by John Bogle, called Servant Leadership, by Robert K. Greenleaf; in this book, Greenleaf puts forward ideas which reshape the structure of corporations and other institutions.

Anyway, just watch the talk and see what you think.

UPDATE: The Venus Project – The Choice is Ours

War Is A Racket – Major General Smedley Butler

Major General Smedley Butler had a profound awareness of human behavior. He wrote a pamphlet and speech called War is a Racket, which you can listen to below. It provides a first hand account on the motivations of war. Human collective behavior does not change over small periods of time and it strikes me how relevant his words are today.

Neanderthal Man: In Search of Lost Genomes – Savnte Pääbo

The ability to take a bone from a Neanderthal who lived tens of thousands of years ago and extract genetic information about that individual boarders on the unbelievable. Yet, if you read Savnte Pääbo’s book, Neanderthal Man: In Search of Lost Genomes, you will find out how such an achievement was made possible. The book provides a well written account of the journey Pääbo and his team took to ensure that our society would be able to learn about our ancient biological relatives — the Neanderthal, and more recently, the Denisovan.

My own genome, according to 23andMe has an estimated 2.8% from the Neanderthal genome — putting me in the 65th percentile. My father has an estimated 3.0%, which puts him in the 87th percentile. Entire DNA composition posted here. Even though I think I will have a low percentage, I hope 23andMe decides to include the Denisovan estimate in the future.

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