An Autonomous Agent

exploring the noosphere

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Interesting Books on Human Consciousness and the History of Consciousness

The history of consciousness and its origins fascinate me. It seems that either all life (and perhaps the universe itself) is “conscious” or, if false, then there existed an “Adam” who was the first human born with consciousness. These books propose other theories on this idea; they all deal with the brain and consciousness. I have not yet read them, as I am still in the process of reading Godel, Escher, Bach and the Tree of Knowledge.


The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead by Timothy Leary,
Ralph Metzner, and Ram Dass.

Food of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge – A Radical History of Plants, Drugs, and Human Evolution by Terence McKenna 

DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor’s Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences by Dr. Rick Strassman

The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes

YouTube Channel – D1gitalSound

D1gitalSound contains many amazing music uploads, all in HD 1080p. I found many remixes that sound better than the originals on this channel.

YouTube Channel – konschti

A beautiful music channel with various genres on YouTube is konschti. The user uploads numerous songs, all in HD 1080p.

Aldous Huxley Interview – 1958

Really thought provoking video of Aldous Huxley in a 1958 interview.

Longitude: The True Story of the Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of his Time – Dava Sobel

I really enjoyed reading Longitude: The True Story of the Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of his Time by Dava Sobel. The book provides a well written narrative on the eventual development by John Harrison of a chronometer which could accurately measure time during ocean voyages.

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