An Autonomous Agent

exploring the noosphere

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Cosmos (series) – Carl Sagan

A great summary of the human endeavor: Cosmos.  Carl Sagan does a wonderful job outlining the history of the universe. After watching the series, a viewer will have gained a deep insight into everything. This series would be a perfect choice for high-school students; I am surprised I only heard of it recently.  It’s a must see for everyone.

Watch on YouTube or Hulu.

Hemp Oil and Hemp Seed

Hemp is one of the oldest complete proteins grown by humans.  Hemp provides an incredibly rich source of omega-3 and omega-6 in the perfect 3.75:1 ratio. Also, hemp contains GLA which improves skin and hair health. Hemp oil provides a better source of omega-3 and omega-6 than fish oil and without the scare of Mercury poisoning.


Interestingly, the first paper made in China was from hemp fiber. Here is a cool shop that sells various clothing items made from hemp.

Check out this article on hemp by Dr. Andrew Weil.

Buy it here on Amazon: Hemp Oil and Hemp Seed


John Bogle on Investing: The First 50 Years – John Bogle

John Bogle on Investing: The First 50 Years provides a good insight into the mind of John Bogle, the founder of The Vanguard Group. The only  book I have read by Bogle, it explains in detail his belief that individual stock picking is not worth the effort.  Instead, Bogle argues that the variance of the return on a total market index decreases as an investor considers a longer time horizon. In other words, the fifteen year return will tend to converge toward the fifteen year average return. A more detailed explanation is provided in the book. This approach suggests that the best strategy would be to invest in a low expense fund that follows either the S&P 500, the Wilshire 5000, or some market index. (ISBN-13: 978-0071761031)

Stuck In Customs – HDR Photography – Trey Ratcliff

I ran across this website, Stuck In Customs, a few years ago. The website’s creator, Trey Ratcliff posts HDR photographs of many different places around the world. His pictures are stunning and he allows anyone to download the hi-res versions of his photographs. Check it out!

Infinity Imagined

Possibly my favorite website: Infinity Imagined.  The pictures and themes posted are incredibly beautiful and insightful. Pictures range from the entire universe to the inside of an atom; from animal cells to river deltas; fractals; physics  biology, and chemistry – all portrayed in images.

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